System Requirements: PowerMac with 24MB Ram with a minimum of 16MB free for 3D WalkAround™, System 7.5.3 or later, 50MB hard drive space, monitor with 256 color or better resolution, CD-ROM, mouse. Please note: This product runs in OS X only in Classic Mode (so, it WON'T work on Leopard) and requires OS-9 compatible print drivers. System Requirements: PowerMac with 24MB Ram with a minimum of 16MB free for 3D WalkAround, System 7.5.3 or later, 50MB hard drive space, monitor with 256 color or better resolution, CD-ROM, mouse. Includes all these programs: Design Your Own Home 3D WalkAround, Design Your Own Home Landscape, Sprout!, and Mighty Draw. Please note: Landscape runs in OS X only in Classic Mode (so, it WON'T work on Leopard) and requires OS-9 compatible print drivers. System Requirements: System 6.07 or higher, 2MB RAM, hard drive and CD-ROM drive. Landscape your yard without getting dirt under your fingernails. Please note: Architecture runs in OS X only in Classic Mode (so, it WON'T work on Leopard) and requires OS-9 compatible print drivers.

System Requirements: System 6.7 or later, 4MB RAM and CD-ROM drive. This is a full-featured, tool-driven home design program.